THE FEARLESS ORGANIZATION (Part 1) - Importance of Psychological Safety

Image source: HR Magazine Haven’t we all been in a situation where we were scared of being perceived as stupid and have therefore held back our opinions and ideas – especially at school or work? This seems to be a painfully common as well as natural phenomenon, simply because whatever you say is constantly under scrutiny by everyone else. Studies show that people frequently hold back even when they think what they have to say could be extremely important for the organization. What more, people often regret being silent and this results in unreported problems, missed opportunities and tragedies that could have been easily avoided. But imagine being in a setting where all your ideas are welcome, you feel safe to take risks and ask questions sans judgement. An environment wherein the employees are allowed to let their guard down so that speaking is enabled and even expected– is called psychological safety. Google conducted a large-scale research called Project Aristotle to f...