Positive Psychology Practices

Positive Psychology Practices Our brains are wired towards the negative. It’s called the negativity bias – negative and unpleasant situations, emotions and thoughts have a greater impact on us than positive ones. It does not matter if the intensity is the same or even if the positives are enormous. Image: Sourced from Shutterstock Being a negative nancy makes evolutionary sense. Negative outcomes help us learn about things that are best avoided, become attuned to unpleasant situations and survive. It has its benefits definitively, but then there’s the flipside. Wallowing in negative emotions and letting them take reign over your life is associated with almost all the letters in a doctor’s dictionary. Higher blood pressure, increased cortisol levels, obesity, headaches and so on. So how do we continue with our evolutionary impulses but not get bogged down with its downsides? Positive psychology practices are something that can be helpful. But before diving in...